Landfill and Pipeline CH4 monitoring – why drones perform better?
Joint webinar from Pergam and UgCs.
November 7th Pergam took part in first webinar with UgCS company concern
LMC G2 DL product. We talked about the benefits of using drones with a
downlink system to search for methane leaks. Topic was about specific
cases for drones DJI M600 / DJI M210 equipped with remote laser
detectors LMC G2 DL. Due to the integrated software from UgCS, all
leakage information comes in real time to the Custom Payload Monitor,
which is part of the UgCS industrial software suite.
Romanenghi (manager director of Pergam-Italia) was as an expert from
Pergam side; Kristaps Brass (UAS technical project manager and UgCS
expert) introduced the software from UgCS.